
Huzzah for the First Post

How exciting to write the first post! I can't believe I actually created one of these things... I never thought I would. Thanks to a certain friend (you know who you are) who inspired me to start one after I followed yours. Yours is amazing, by the way. I check it every week, just so you know. ;^)
I close this first post thanking those of you who are kind and bother to check it. Maybe this will inspire you all to start your own. Maybe not... time will tell.

Latin calls!

Valete, Poka, Bis spaeter, and Farvel!


  1. I love it! I love your title, it's so great. Can't wait to see more.

  2. yay! best. blog name. ever. :D i'm excited to see what sort of things you have to write about :D <3
