
Here Comes the Sun

At last, reader, I get to another post. May is almost over and I haven't posted yet. This particular May-post is special for two reasons: most importantly, it is in honor of one of my best friends, Lys. Here's hoping you have a safe move and an easy transition into your "new" old home. Secondly, this post is in honor of finishing up my final year of battling Wimba gremlins under the standard of the mighty Griffon, shouting at Francis, benevolently smiling at Java, and studying under incredible teachers with some of the best friends I've ever had. You guys make my day - every day - and for that, I'm wholeheartedly thankful to you. I hope I've managed to be half as good a friend as you all are.

Now, with exams finally completed, I can't wait for summer! I've got a string of busy years coming up, but for now, I'm so thankful just to enjoy some blissful moments with my family. I've already got the Beatles tune, Here Comes the Sun going through my head. Here's hoping that you, reader, will have just as many sun-filled, carefree afternoons in the upcoming months! :^)

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