
More Peanuts

Yep, sometimes I feel like this. Maybe because we can express ourselves better when we're equipped with a bow and four strings, maybe because sometimes we seem to hide away from the rest of the world behind a set of keys, and maybe because we deal with any problems we're going through by bending over a score of notes. Welcome to the musician's world - maybe we aren't real people after all. ;^)


  1. haha Kelsey. I love it...spending high school in a musician's school has had its toll on me as well :/

    1. A musician's school? You mean VP? Seeing how you're also a musician, I think you fit in well.

    2. psh, compared to you I might as well be playing chopsticks

  2. I've been enjoying your blog for awhile now without commenting, but I saw this and had to. So funny! Although - and this is probably just wistful thinking - I like to think we're just as real. We just belong to a different world. =)

    1. Welcome, Sydney! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. Glad you've enjoyed it. I'd like to think so, too - either we're not real people or we live in a world that is even more 'real' in a sense than non-musicians. Either way, I'm proud to share a part in it. :^)
